Bomb Survey

This list was compiled from Clydebank Burgh Surveyors, MOD and Civil Defence records.

1-5  North of Auchentoshan Distillery X HE
6-10 North-east of Auchentoshan Distillery  "
11-12 Mount Blow grounds  "
13  Recreation grounds   "
14-16  East of Auchentoshan Distillery "
17-20  East of Auchentoshan Lodge    "
21-23 South-east of Auchentoshan House  "
24-25   At Mount Blow Lodge "
26    North-west of Mount Blow Lodge   "
27-30    North-west of Auchentoshan House   "
31  North of Auchentoshan House   "
32-33  East of Auchentoshan House "
34-38   South of Auchentoshan House "
39  South-east of Auchentoshan House  "
40-41  South-west of Auchentoshan House    "
42-43   Ocean Field  "
44-47 Boulevard, South of Old Street  "
48-51 North of Parkhall Terrace "
52-54 North of Manse       "
55-57 West of Manse "
58-60 South-west of Manse "
61 Rear of house in Maple Drive  "
62 Boulevard, South of nursery "
63   In roadway at Birch Road "
64  Chestnut Drive "
65 Maple Drive "
66 Beech Drive "
67 Beech Drive "
68-70  Near railway at Canberra Avenue "
71 Freelands Place, junction "
72-74 Dumbarton Road near Delhi Avenue "
75    Canal near Delhi Avenue "
76-79 Mount Blow grounds "
80-81  Running track, Mount Blow  "
82 Mount Blow Grounds  "
83 Pine Road  "
84   Cedar Avenue "
85  Dumbarton Road near Auckland Street "
86 Auckland Street "
87 East of Mount Blow Road   "
88-90 Lilac Avenue  "
91  Near Duntocher Burn "
92-95 Public Park, Parkhall  "
96-119 Parkhall, golf course   "
120  West of Dunclutha House  "
121-125  Near Golf View, Parkhall   "
126- 127 Allotments south of Golf View "
128-129 Overtoun Road "
130  Near tennis courts "
131 Junction of Risk Street and Duntocher Road "
132  Ash Road  "

133 Elm Road "
134 Beech Drive   "
135  Planetree Road  "
136-137 Hornbeam Drive "
138-140  Sycamore Drive "
141-142 Rowan Drive "
143-144  Limetree Drive "
145 Poplar Drive  "
146 Junction of Poplar Drive and Duntocher Road  "
147-154 In grounds of Parkhall "
155 Parkhall golf course   "
156-157 Near Braemar House   "
158  Poplar Drive "
159- 160 Junction of Birch Road and Hornbeam Road "
161 Near junction of Birch Road and Limetree Road "
162-163  Duntocher Road near school "
164 North of Duntocher Road and Boquhanran Park  "
165 Boquhanran Park  "
166-169 North of school "
170  Parkhall Park, West side "
171 Parkhall Park, South side  "
172 Railway near Swindon Street   "
173   Swindon Street "
174 Beardmore Street  "
175 Church Hall, Roberts Street "
176 Roberts Street "
177 Dumbarton Road near Roberts Street  "
178  Junction of Dumbarton Road and Dunn Street  "
179 West of Dunn Street  "
180 Pattison Street "
181-183 Junction of Dumbarton Road and Burns Street  "
184 Junction of Dumbarton Road and Castle Street  "
185-186 Castle Square "
187-188 Junction of Castle Street and Jellicoe Street "
189-190 Beatty Street "
191-192 Junction of Scott Street and Dumbarton Road "
193 Burns Street  "
194 Junction of Duntocher Road and Risk Street  "
195 North of Brook Street "
196 Between Park Road and Brook Street "
197-198 Park Road at allotments  "
199 St. Stephen’s R.C. Church "
200-201 Railway at Park Road "
201 a  Ramsay Street "
202 Railway at Park Road "
203 Timber yard at Dalmuir "
204 Railway, Singer Road   "
205-206 Railway, South View "
207 Near Bowling Green, South View "
208-210 Junction of Stevenson Street and Duntocher Road "
211 Duntocher Road near Regent Street  "
212 Junction of Overtoun Road and Duntocher Road "
213-214 Near Regent Street  "
215-216   Parkhall Park "
217 South of Methven Street "
218  Junction of Dumbarton Road and Duntocher Road  "
219-220 North and South ends of Ferguson Street "
221 East of Ramsay Street "
222  North of Albert Road "
223-225 Near school, Albert Road  "
226-227 Second Avenue "
228 Junction of Boquhanran Road and Albert Road "
229-232 Singer’s Recreation Ground "
233   Singer’s Timber Yard "
234 Singer’s Sports Ground "
235 Janetta Street School  "
236-237 Junction of Janetta Street and West Thomson Street "
238-239 Boquhanran School "
240 Junction of Church Street and Circular Road "
241  Crown Avenue "
242 Junction of Third and Second Terraces "
243   Rear of First Terrace "
244 Green Street  "
245 Tennis Courts, Singer’s "
246 Tennis Courts, Singer’s UX HE
247 Junction of Great Western Road and Kilbowie Road X HE
248 Junction of Duntocher Road and Kilbowie Road "
249 Boulevard, near Kilbowie Road "
250-253 North of Williamson Street "
254-255 Briar Drive     "
256-258 North of Whin Street "
259,260  South of Whin Street "
261-265  North-east of Williamson Street "
266-268 Field north-east of Boulevard "
269 Rear of Greer Quadrant   "
270 West Thomson Street  "
271 South of West Thomson Street "
272 Rear of Cornock Crescent "
273 Cornock Crescent   "
274 Junction of Kilbowie Road and Radnor Street "
275, 276 Junction of Singer Street and Radnor Street "
277 Junction of Singer Street and Graham Avenue  "
278 Allotment Gardens south of Crown Avenue  "
279 Rear of Crown Avenue   "
280  Crown Avenue    "
281 Rear of Crown Avenue (North) "
282 Junction of Radnor Street and Granville Street "
283 Near Boulevard "
284 North of North Kilbowie House  "
285 Rear of Clarence Street  "
286 North of Drumry Road   "
287-289 Sandpit, Boulevard "
290  Near sandpit, Boulevard "
291 South of Knappers "
292 Canal west of Singer’s Works  "
293,294 Football Ground, Singer’s "
295 South of Football Ground  "
296,297 West of Agamemnon Street  "
298-299 Football Ground. Singer’s "
300 East of Football Ground. Singer’s X PM
301-303 West of Singer’s Factory  X HE
304  North-west of Singer’s Factory         "
305-306  Singer’s West Building "
307-308 West of Singer’s Offices "
309 South of Singer’s West Building "
310   Canal south of Singer’s Building "
311 Railway south of Singer’s Works   "
312 Clydebank Engineering Works X PM
313-314 Clydebank Engineering Works X HE
315 Dumbarton at John Brown’s      "
316  North of Graham Avenue        "
317 Kilbowie Road near Singer’s Station  "
318 South-west of Cinema, Second Avenue   X HE
319 Junction of Second Avenue and Kilbowie Road "
320 Kilbowie Road opposite Singer’s X PM
321 Graham Street X HE
322 Main Building, Singer’s "
323-324 Kilbowie Cemetery "
325 Near junction of Boulevard and Drumrv Road  "
326-329 North of Kilbowie Railway Station "
330 Rear Kilbowie Road near Singer’s "
331 Rear Livingstone Street "
332  Rear Rosebery Place  "
333 Rear Miller Street "
334 Hotel, Millar Street    "
335 Library, Dumbarton Road "
336 Municipal Buildings  "
337 Bruce Street "
338 Junction of Somerville Street and Dumbarton Road  "
339  Kilbowie Road and Chambers Street  "
340 North end, Gordon Street  "
341-342 Gordon Street  "
343- 344 Kilbowie Works (Tullis) "
345-348 Tenements, Livingstone Street "
349  Livingstone Street  "
350  Victoria Street  "
351  Whitecrook Lane "
352 Junction of Whitecrook Street and Stanford Street "
353-354   Stanford Street "
355 Rear of Whitecrook Street, "
356 Victoria Street "
357-358  Engineering Works, Stanford Street "
359 Cochno Street "
360 Junction of Cochno Street and Dean Street "
361 South of Dean Street "
362 Playing fields north of Dean Street "
363-364 North of main railway line "
365-366  Canal bank, East side of town "
367 Tenements, Glasgow Road (Hume Street) "
368 Junction of Glasgow Road and Canal Street "
369-370 Clydebank Engineering Works  X PM
371-372 Clydebank Engineering Works X HE
373  South-east of Rectory, Dunmore Street "
374 Rear of John Knox Street "
375 Junction of Brown Street and Clyde Street "
376 North side of Dean Street "
377-378 Recreation Ground, North Elgin Street "
379 Rear of Macdonald Crescent "
380 East Barns Street "
381 Rear of McGregor Street "
382-386 North-east of Sinclair Street  X HE
387 Millburn Avenue "
388  Near junction of Glasgow Road and Napier Street "
389  Rear of John Knox Street "
390 Bowling green, Stevenson Street UX HE
391-393 Turner’s Asbestos Works "
394 Rear of 11 Stewart Street "
395 107 Duntocher Road "
396  West of car terminus  UX PM
397 Near Golf View "
398   Union Manse, Duntocher Road  "
399  Near Royal Ordnance Factory "
400-401 Castle Square "
402 DaImuir Canal Bridge "
403 1 Beatty Street "
404 Cul-de-sac at Lilac Avenue "
406 Dalmuir Golf Course, 18th tee "
407 20 Alder Road "
408  64 Albert Road "
409 9 Second Avenue "
410  Green Street "
411 11 Montrose Street "
412 Braidfield Farm "
413 Near Duntocher Bridge "
414-416  Singer’s West Gate "
417  Junction of Boulevard and Drumry Road  UX PM
418  Healthy Burn, Boulevard UX HE
419  Near Hawthorn Street "
420 Cornock Street "
421 Junction of Birch Road and Maple Drive UX PM
422    Kilbowie Cemetery    UX HE
423 Field west of Millburn Avenue  UX PM
424  Opposite Hailing Station       UX HE
425-426  In water, opposite East Wharf    UX PM
427 Works Department gate, Livingstone Street   UX HE
428  Junction of Stevenson Street and Overtoun Road   "
429 Park Road at bus halt "
430   Tennis courts, Public Park "
431 Beardmore’s coal pit "
432 Risk Street near Park "
433 Scott Street "
434 Ground west of Boquhanran Road "
435 Castlc Square "
436 South of Mount Blow House     "
437 Between Dunn Street and Swindon Street "
438 Mount Blow Road "
439 Dunedin, Duntocher Road "
440 16 Overtoun Road "
441-536 Dalnottar Oil Tanks X HE
537-546 Dalnottar Oil Tanks UX HE
547-549 West of Dalnottar Oil Tanks X HE
550 Windsor Place "
551 Canal Bridge Old Kilpatrick "
552 Electric Light Factory Old Kilpatrick "
553 West of Electric Light Factory Old Kilpatrick "
554-643 *Duntocher, Hardgate, Bowling and Old Kilpatrick "
644-662 *Duntocher, Hardgate, Bowling and Old Kilpatrick UX HE
  *(No survey maps available for these locations)  

Abbreviations: HE-high explosive bomb; PM-parachute mine; UX-unexploded; X-exploded.